渋谷ヒカリエ 8F 8/COURT/CUBE
Accessibility features to support peole with visual, physical, cognitive difficulties etc., with the latest devices.
The latest version of Voice Output Communication Aid device with 34 years history. Support to communicate for people with dysarthria, hard-of-hearing and ASD.
マイクロソフトのMixed Realityデバイス「HoloLens(ホロレンズ)」で、対面する相手とのコミュニケーションを、話者以外をグレーアウトする、相手の声をテキストに変換して表示する、相手の感情をインジケータで表示するなどして、サポートするアプリです。
Spport to communicate by the gray out filter, the text display and the indicator of the feelings using Microsoft HoloLens.
"The NHK Heart Exhibition is an exhibition that displays poems written by person with a disability people and art created by celebrities based on the poems. At the Another Heart Exhibition, poetry and art are displayed as digital art. Please enjoy the world of the heart exhibition where poetry and art are fused."
By using the app, you can learn more than 3,000 words of sign language with 360 degree rotatable 3D animation. You can also play RPG game and fight monsters using sign languages. A special camera is used to capture the actual movements of a person, and this motion data is applied to 3D characters.
すべての人が輝ける社会の実現をめざすアルファ ロメオは、アルファ ロメオ横浜町田の協力のもと、欧州で身障者用運転手装置として広く知られるGuidosimplexを展示いたします。この装置を使用することで、ステアリングに装着したアクセルリングを左右にスライドし、両手でステアリングとアクセル操作をすることができます。
Alfa Romeo, the automotive brand who supports non profit organizations and activities aiming to increase inclusivity, exhibits Guidosimplex in collaboration with the dealer GST - Alfa Romeo Yokohama Machida showroom. A key feature of this device is the accelerator attached to the back of the steering wheel, making it possible to control the vehicle’s acceleration by sliding the accelerator ring to the left and right with fingertips. The kit is extremely functional and easy to use and its design is very clear so that the installation doesn’t affect the stylish interior design.
「やさしさから やさしさが生まれる社会」を目指す&HAND(アンドハンド)は、障害者など外出に困難を抱えた人と周囲のサポーターをLINEでマッチングし、互助行動を後押しします。2020年に向け社会実装を進めている「&HANDボランティア」、点字ブロックで視覚障害者の移動を声で支援する「VIBLO」を紹介します。
Aiming to realize "a society where kindness comes from gentleness" & HAND (AND HAND) is a service that matches people with anxiety and difficulties in going out, such as disabled people, and those with willingness to help others, on LINE app, and supports to help each other. We will introduce "VIBLO," which provides voice supports for the movement of visually impaired people with Braille blocks, through the experience display of "& HAND volunteers" promoting social implementation toward 2020.
「ウェルツ セルフ」は座ったままの姿勢で安心・安全にスムーズに移動できるチェアです。オフィスや工場などの「はたらく場」だけでなく、美術館や図書館などの公共施設でも、多様な人々の活躍をサポートします。大型車輪は着座時の身体の重心付近に配置することで、旋回半径が小さく、その場での旋回性に優れています。
More and more elderly and physically disabled persons will be entering the workplace and other areas. This makes it essential to create a better workplace environment. “Weltz-self” is built for smooth movement with the user still seated in it. It was designed to support active human life in diverse locations including offices, factories, and museums. By mounting the large wheels near the body center-of-gravity, we achieved a small turning radius and superb on-the-spot swiveling.
"actcoin", the app that can visualize social contribution activities.The actions you have taken for society will be proven forever. You can participate, donate, and share. Everyone's small power will eventually grow and make the world a better place.
オーティコン補聴器は、「脳」から「聞こえ」を考える、”ブレインヒアリング”の考え方を主軸に、製品開発を行っています。「オーティコン オープン」は補聴器が苦手としてきた騒がしい環境でもより積極的に会話に参加できるようサポートし、発売から2年で世界累計販売台数200万台を突破しました。「オープン」が更に進化し、「オープンS」が登場しました。
BrainHearing describes the approach that Oticon takes when creating solutions for people with hearing loss. It starts with the fundamental observation that speech understanding is a cognitive process – it happens in the brain. Oticon Opn helps listeners stay engaged in noisy environments. Opn further evolved and Opn S newly has appeared.
世界にひとつだけ、磁石が入った積み木です。コンセプトは「Built for Play」。「クリエイティブな遊びで創造力を育んでほしい」、「未来を担う子どもたちに素敵な社会を築いてほしい」という想いで創られ、世界70カ国で販売しています。
Tegu has reinvented the wooden block in a way that brings new life to a favored classic. By safely embedding magnets into each piece, Tegu Blocks become curiously attractive for both kids and kids at heart. Defy gravity and push your imagination in ways never before possible. No instruction manuals or electronics; just toys that demand imagination and inspire limitless creativity across all ages. Open-ended play is endangered, but we're bringing it back. Created with beautiful Honduran hardwoods and safe water-based finishes, these blocks have proven wildly addictive for kids (and kids at heart) and will encourage the simple joy of creating for generations.
OrCam Technologies Ltd.
OrCam MyEye 2 is a lightweight smart camera that attaches to virtually any glasses frame. Using AI technology, it instantly and discreetly reads printed and digital text aloud from any surface, recognizes faces, products, money notes and more, all in real time. The intuitive device is operated by using simple hand gestures and has more than 20 voice-activated commands. It is designed for all ages, can be used with any level of vision loss and does not require an internet connection.
Barbie® Fashionistas™ celebrate diversity with unique fashion dolls that encourage real-world storytelling and open-ended dreams. With a wide variety of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors and textures, body types and fashions, the Fashionistas™ dolls are designed to reflect the world girls see today, offering them infinite ways to play out stories and express their style.
More Than Human
“More Than Human”は美術家 坂巻善徳 a.k.a. Sense と、ポストデジタル・アーティスト 小林武 人によるプロジェクト。腕や足を欠損したとしても、それぞれの“魂を外部化”したアート義肢/ 医療器具を身につけることにより、身体の欠損を隠すのではなく、特質の一部であると認識す る手助けになるよう制作された。「美しい」ものや「カッコイイ」ものを装着できるというこ とが、個人のネガティビティをポジティブなものに転換する。「アート」が人に「誇り」をも たせ、誇りが人を美しく、強くする。個人のアイデンティティの肯定は他人との差異の許容と なり、多様性溢れる社会の礎となる。
“More Than Human” is an art project by artist Yoshinori Sakamaki a.k.a. Sense & post-digital artist Taketo Kobayashi. Those artworks were created to be a part of help for amputee/patient to recognize that amputation/sickness is not a “disability” but a characteristics of a person. We believe wearing something beautiful, something cool can change personal negativities coming from disorder of body into positives. Those artworks reflecting people wish, hope, Idea are the “Externalization of the Soul”. The art make people proud of themselves and pride make people beautiful and strong. We hope those acceptance of each of our own identity leads it to tolerance toward difference of each other. We need that tolerance to create diversity in our community and society.
渋谷のシンボル “ハチ公像” を、山形大学が取り組む「やわらかロボット」でプロデュースしました。やらわかロボットは人との親和性が高く、福祉分野での応用も期待されています。やわらかハチ公を撫でて、触って、新しいロボットと福祉の将来に期待してください!
Yamagata University produced the symbol "HACHI" in Shibuya, using "softmatter robot" technology. Softmatter robots have high compatibility with people, are desired in the welfare. Please touch and stroke "Gel HACHI" and look forward to the future of new robots and welfare!
Embodied Media Project
クリエイター:Elaine Czech
テクノロジーを用いて高齢者のQOLを向上するPositive Agingの達成に向けて、Haptic Remembrance Bookは写真と共に思い出の一部に触れることができるアルバムです。コミュニティ形成が難しい高齢者施設で共感を生み出し会話のきっかけを作ります。
Creater: Elaine Czech
Concept:While having secure social networks is essential for good quality of life, socializing gets more difficult as we age, even if we are surrounded by people in a long-term care facility. Care staff and family members want to be able to connect with residents/loved ones but have limitations (time constraints, unsure how), and it can be challenging for residents to build connections with each other due to differing abilities and backgrounds. This project proposes that through sharing memories, members of the long-term care community (residents, care staff, and families) will be able to build empathy for one another and thus strengthen their community and interpersonal bonds. These bonds are created and enforced by use of a book incorporated with a multi-modal system. This multi-modal system is used to stimulate multiple senses allowing for a variety of ways users can engage with the content. Furthermore, this project illustrates how creating the book's content can provide a service for older adults to improve their quality of life.
一般社団法人 超人スポーツ協会/AXEREAL株式会社
GooN is an integrated body extension device developed as a super welfare sport. This makes it easy for everyone to get high agility. Under the concept of "reinventing sports with modern technology", we will propose innovative sports using GooN.
一般社団法人 超人スポーツ協会/AXEREAL株式会社
超福祉展とともに、これまで進化を続けてきた電動アシスト付き全方向移動型モビリティ ”スライドリフト” は、ドリフト走行等のテクニックで競い合う車椅子レースです。技術の力で身体の制約を超える本競技では小回り、鋭敏な動きができる器用さ、繊細さ、一瞬の判断力が勝敗を握ります。
Along with the Super-Welfare Expo, the power-assisted omnidirectional mobility "Slide Rift" has continued to evolve. This game is a race what competes with techniques such as drifting. This competition exceeds the constraints of the body by the power of technology. Dexterity, fine movement, fine-tuned ability to make sharp movements and momentary judgment allow the victory.
絵と言葉のライブラリー ミッカ/株式会社トレック
子ども限定の愉快な図書館『絵と言葉のライブラリー ミッカ』による出張ライブラリー。"超福祉"にちなんだ5つのテーマで100冊の本を展示します。絵本をはじめ漫画や写真集も揃ったライブラリーは、年齢問わずお楽しみいただけます。あなたが手にとった本は、どんな"超福祉"を語りかけてくれるでしょうか?
Mana’olanaとはハワイ語で自信・希望。障がい当事者のみなさまが、よりおしゃれに過ごすための製品の開発、さらに快適になるサービスを取り扱い、ご紹介を行っております。 当事者でもあるオーナーが開発した、下肢装具をつけてもスタイリッシュに履ける靴。 障がいがある方も、ない方も、足元を華やかに彩ります。
9/3(火)、THE BLUE LOVE sense+KAZが、渋谷ヒカリエ 8/ CUBE のガラス面にライブペイントを行います!
会場特別価格:1,000 円(税込)(税込)